Serving Those Who Served The Nation


The core mission of the Senior Veterans Council focuses on helping Senior Wartime Veterans and Widows meet the challenges and costs of long-term care. We work to help them understand and access the benefits they have earned by service to their country and the taxes they have paid with a lifetime of work. These benefits include the VA’s pension and aid and attendance program, service connected disability compensation, Medicaid, Medicare and other government and community benefits and resources.

In addition, our organization has helped many Veterans secure the little known (& complex) Pension “Aid & Attendance” benefit using our well-developed procedures. 

The video on our home page or listed below, outlines and highlights the benefit and explains how you could qualify for up to $2,727 per month towards the cost of in- home care, Assisted Living, or possibly independent living facility costs if you are a married War Time Veteran.

To request a digital information packet or if you would like a “hard copy” (including a DVD of the video link) mailed to you please contact us and provide your mailing address: Click Here.

Happy Couple

After you have perused our website and watched the video, if you would like to have a further discussion regarding potential benefits, please either complete the online intake form (click here) or call our office to speak with a pre-screener who will gather information necessary to schedule a 20 minute no cost consultation. It is VERY important that our video be watched PRIOR to scheduling a consultation with one of our Benefit Advisers. 

On behalf of the Senior Veterans Council, we look forward to speaking with you and discussing you or your family member’s need for end-of-life long-term planning along with potential VA, state, and federal benefit programs.

To find out more about the Aid and Attendance Benefit please take the time to watch the video provided below. ​This video presentation will provide additional background on the little known VA’s Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit as well as other Federal & State benefits such as Medicaid and Medicare.